The summer of 2024 has meant only one thing for disabled and non-disabled people alike and that thing is: Sports!
Both the Paralympics and the Olympics are special events for people interested in every type of sport, inspiring people to participate in things that they haven’t thought of trying out before.
Because of this, at Little Victories, we have been promoting teamwork, communication and sportsmanship throughout our sessions working towards the LV Paralympic day!
On the 14th September 2024, three teams joined forces with their captains and coaches and battled it out with each other to hopefully win a gold medal!
Coach Carolyn was joined by young players Charlie, Lyla and Aria, coach Sam was joined by players Robbie and Jess and William and Mia joined coach Rich in the battle of the Little Victories teams for gold!
Who was going to win? Only time would tell.
Our teams engaged in four activities, each earning points and trying to beat the other teams. These games included a penalty shootout, Boccia, shot put and a football dribbling challenge.
The more points each team earned, the more the competition really heated up!
Our games were specially designed and adapted to meet our players’ needs and abilities.

All our games and activities were a mix of traditional and adapted ruling to emphasise two very important characteristics of Little Victories: Inclusivity and having fun!
The activities all focused on different aspects of sports; some of which our players may struggle with.
Our first two activities, the penalty shootout and Boccia focused on problem solving skills, ball control and decision making. Our penalty shootout focused on target practice and problem solving by having each player decide on where to place the ball in the net and how to get it past the goalkeeper, young volunteer Chloe.
Our version of Boccia, focused on ball control allowing the players to really think about their positions when they get behind the ball to be able to score a goal and to work on their control skills in addition to this.
As well as our first two activities, our last one's focused on control, multitasking and hand/eye coordination skills. With our shot-put activity, our teams focused on their hand/eye skills by throwing soft bean bags into our target. By doing this, our players worked on their motor skills and their control skills at the same time as they had to throw something small in a controlled fashion to hit a target and score as may points as they could; each bean bag in the target at the blow of the whistle scored a point.
By the end of the session our Little Victories medal table looked like this: Team Sam ended on 33 points and so went on to win Bronze, Team Carolyn ended on 36 points so ended with the silver medal and with a whopping 49 points, Team Rich took the gold medal!



Each player, coach and parent who participated in our Para Games session was presented with a medal, each with a specially designed ‘LV Paras’ logo on the back, making all our medals unique and special to our players and what they achieved on the day!
All the medals were very generously donated by coach Katie’s grandma Patricia as a way to get involved with LV and help support such an amazing club.

Thank you, Patricia!
At Little Victories, we support the Equal Play Campaign set up after the Paralympics which aims to support children with disabilities to access support both inside of school and outside of school. A record number, 75%, of children with disabilities are not able to participate in sports around the UK and therefore it was important that this session goes ahead at Little Victories to inspire and encourage a whole new generation of children to participate in sport.
Brought to life by coach Katie, our LV Para session was put on to mark the 60th anniversary of the Paralympic Games, and to mark the first Paralympics that many of our young players have potentially been able to watch.
Again, at Little Victories, we support many initiatives around disability in sport and inclusion within sport. Just like the Equal Play campaign, one of the campaigns we are fully supporting is the Everybody Moves Campaign created by the Paralympics and endorsed by Toyota which allows disabled people regardless of age to connect with an inclusive sports club within the local area.
LV are proud to announce that because of player William’s quick thinking, we are now officially connected and can be found when using the site! Well done, William!
Overall, the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games was a very inspiring part of our summer this year and a lot of great things all over the country are happening within disability sports.
Because of this, we knew we had to be involved and do our own thing, for our players, at our level to mark the occasion, to have fun, work together as a team and most importantly, win medals!
Well done to all our players who took part in the LV Paras, you all did amazing!

Thank you to our volunteers